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Homie ?

When “how long” doesnt matter anymore. I still dont know which month it was then or what day it is now. Blurred out lines, from hanging outs to foods. Another vegabond lost to love.

If it comes, let it. If it goes, let it! Friendship is all about it. If things didn’t work, coba bayangkan cara kerja Matahari. Friendship is like holding the sun and hoping that you don't get burned. We just let it works, yang kita perlu hanya menikmati terang yang indah bersamanya, dan gelap yang nyaman tanpanya.

Holding on isn’t that easy man! Akan ada bagian dari kita yang hancur.

Sometimes when you’re always available they take u for granted, cause they think u’ll always stay. Mama : friends are everywhere, brave enough? Find the real one!

For those who accept u for a reason = those who dont deserve ur niceness.

Sometimes all u need just to shaking ur head and say “thankyou for showing up”. U dont deserve bullshits baby. If they are fake, stay 984573854734 kilometers away from them.
Takut? I dont call it TAKUT, i called it BRAVE. And that is pretty much the different thing.

Then what? ...
PERSAHABATAN is not about people who act true to ur face, its about people who remain true behind ur back!

FRIENDSHIP isn’t about whom u have known the longest. Its about who came and never left ur side.

As the years past on and the younger i am getting. I have learned it doesnt mean my friends also grow along with me... i expected or have the parallel principals, morals values as we grow to know, as we grow trough our seasons for some people just never grow up! In the end, never though i wud need to drop them like flies for we are no longer compatible! yup!


I’ve just had to learn to mourn those losses. For me, nothin will ever equal the bond between the closest of friends. Once lost, i lose a piece of myself, BUT i gain a plethora of valuable memories on which to sustain myself.

1 quote : Strangers can become best friends just as easy as best friends can become strangers.

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