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Brother? I miss U


Our journey through life may take us far apart but it will not matter as neither distance nor time will dull that which is between us. you are my brother because of blood but you are my friend because of love. Those are bonds and love that could never be replaced. Really miss u bro!

Maybe SpiderMan can made a hero and save the world, but they never save my world like him, my True Hero #lovebrother

Maria Laurie


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“ Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.” – Thomas Fuller Well, gue lagi LDR-an sama pacar 14 bulan gue (kemaren aniv loh :v), seperated by circumtances, 1 hour, 9 weeks and 1731  miles. Keep in touch membuat LDR kita ini sedikit mudah, chattingan, telponan gitu-gitu lah yah, apalah jarak kalo ada komunikasi kan. Pacar gue sebisa mungkin telpon gue setiap malam, walaupun dia capek oh God this boy is sweet as hell! 1 minggu berlalu, dan gue sadar JARAK yang bisa gue atasi kalah atas RINDU. Yup, rindu tak pernah sesakit ini. Sedih pasti, gimana engga? u just depending on the situation, u dont know for sure if or when u’ll be able to see each other again. Nangis? Itu bukan style gue. Alay aja sih kita cuma LDR 2 bulan dong, buat apa nangis, baru juga beda pulau. Minggu kedua LDR gue disibukkan sama kuliah, tapi sialnya jadwal kuliah gue cuma 3 hari seminggu. 4 hari sisanya abisin diam di ruangan 4x2m (baca kamar kost) jadi gak sibuk-sibuk amat , and gue...