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................................... For someone who I really LOVE ! #throwUP #fainting #died

Malam ini ceritanya, Gue lagi bete banget sama tuh cowok !! dasar cowok kloningan Brontosaurus, sini gue cambuuuk luu!! don't have an idea to continue my day after seeing this boy, then I pray to my lovely God...
                  Dear God, you’ve always know what I wish the most..
Please God,.. please stab that BOY repeatedly. Or please send a “GENG” to throw their rock to this boy.. or sent 2 vampires to suck his blood out of his vain also can. You might ask “why 2 vampires?” oh, because knowing that boy very well, he’ll irritate the 1st vampire, sampe tu vampire nangis kabur kabur. So the other vampire will do the finishing job.
                Oh God, please do it sloooowly so it’ll leave a gruesome scene on a newspaper that nobody will read. BUT I WILL..

                Thank you God, I love You

Maria Laurie


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